How To Become A Web Developer

Web development the easy way

The internet has played a huge role in our lives today, making a lot of information easy to get even for free. Also, there are groups of people who create these websites that we visit, either to make money from them or get useful information. The web development industry is so fascinating and that's why we’ve put together the ultimate introduction to web development and what it takes to become a fully-fledged web developer.

In this article, we’ll go through the basics of web development in detail step by step, and then expose the essential skills and tools you’ll need to break into this wonderful industry. If you decide web development is for you, then read on to figure out the essential skills you need to get started.

Is now the best time to become a web developer?

No one jumps into any career casually, it is super important to consider certain factors you will encounter ahead. The first question is, can web development offer you a huge opportunity? How likely are you to get hired after you’ve graduated from your chosen program, Bootcamp, or personal development?

These questions are so important ever since COVID-19 showed up and shaped different industries. It gave humans a new way to work, think and do things. After the pandemic, many people migrated to different jobs that are "COVID-Proof" like tech jobs just to be safer. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the state of the web development industry till this time.

Are web developers in demand right now?

If you still have breath in our world today, you will notice that technology has remained omnipresent in our lives and I know you can testify to this fact. Be it moving through our favorite social media apps, reading news, paying for a product online, or connecting with colleagues using collaboration software and tools. And all these we do relies on some form of technology.

However, behind this technology is a team of good web developers who have not only built it but constantly maintain it to ensure it works flawlessly. Developers who can build and maintain websites, apps, and software have an important role to play in today’s technology-driven world and this is reflected in the web development job market.

Full-stack developers came in second on indeed’s list of the best jobs, and we can see this continuing through 2022 and beyond. Just search the web for the most in-demand tech skills in 2022 and you’ll find things like web development, software engineering, cloud computing, DevOps, and problem-solving.

Full-stack development in particular will continue to be highly attractive to employers. Writing for TechCrunch, Sergio Granada notes how full-stack developers have been integral to business during the Covid-19 crisis:

“In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the ability to do full-stack development can make engineers extremely marketable as companies across all industries migrate their business to a virtual world. Those who can quickly develop and deliver software projects thanks to full-stack methods have the best shot to be at the top of a company’s or client’s wish list.”

If you’re keen to quantify the demand for web developers, search for “web developer” or “full-stack developer” roles in your area on sites like indeed, glassdoor, and LinkedIn. We did a quick search for web development roles in the United States and, we came to discover a lot of vacancies of over 40,000. This should prove that web developers will continue to be in high demand.

Should you become a web developer in 2022?

So... Is now the good time to become a web developer? Well looking at the statistics so far, everything should be pretty clear that the answer is a YES. Now is the very best time to become a web developer! If you’re thinking about joining this amazing industry and building the technology of the future, we say go for it.

Wait first,  we cannot jump into becoming a web developer like that, let’s get to know some basics. What exactly is web development, and what does a web developer do? Keep reading to find out.

What is web development?

This is the process of building websites and applications for the internet, or a private network known as an intranet. Web development is not only concerned with the design of a website; but, also about the coding and programming that powers the website’s functionality.

From the most simple, static web pages to social media platforms and apps, from e-commerce websites to content management systems (CMS), all the tools we use via the internet daily have been built by web developers.

Web development vs software engineering

One of the challenges for people who want to become a developer is hearing others throwing around buzzwords like Software Engineering, Web developer, software developer, etc. Many people in the industry today also introduce themselves as software engineer, web developer, and so on. Are there major differences between these words?

The biggest difference between these two roles is found in the work which they focus on the most. The software engineers focus on building software like the operating system or the programs for the operating system. While web developers focus on creating websites and applications that run on the internet or the server.

Meanwhile, both of these roles share what we call programming languages. What is important is that web development and software engineering Bootcamp teaches you the same programming technologies and tools. Once you’ve graduated and are entering the job market, remember to look more at the technologies in each job description than the title itself to see if they match your own.

Types of web development

Generally, web development can be split into three different layers: client-side coding (frontend), server-side coding (backend), and database technology.


Client-side scripting, or frontend development, refers to everything that the end-user experiences, uses, and interacts with directly from the computer screen. Ranging from buttons on the websites to text boxes for entering information. Client-side code executes in a web browser and directly relates to what people see when they visit a website. Things like layout, fonts, colors, menus and contact forms are all driven by the front-end.

To get started with client-side web development, you can check out this useful and cheap course on Udemy it will help you get all you need as a front-end developer using HTML, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap, and so on.


Server-side scripting, or backend development, is all about what goes on behind the scenes. This is an essential part of a website or a web application that is not seen, interacted or used by the end-user. It is responsible for storing and organizing data and ensuring that everything on the client-side runs smoothly. And this happens by communicating with the front-end in a certain way.

Whenever a user fills a form on a website and hit the submit button, from there onwards the user has no control over what happens because the server-side logic is taken care of by the server. And most cases, return a useful message or information to the user when the request is over. 

Database technology

In many cases, you may have seen that after chatting with your friends on most social media, you will still see all the conversions you had in the previous days without any issues. And this is the work of a database connected to a web application security. 

Most websites and web applications also rely heavily on database technology. The database contains all the files and content (in columns and rows form) that are important for a website and a web application to function very well, storing it in such a way that makes it easy to retrieve, organize, edit, and save. The database runs on a server, and most websites and web applications typically use some form of the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).

In summary: the frontend, backend, and database technology all work together to build and run a fully functional website or application, and these three layers form the foundation of everything done in the web development industry.

What is the difference between web development and web design?

Imagine a web developer and web designer building a smart television together, the developer will focus on the functional components like the circuits while the web designer takes care of the look and shape of the TV like the color.

With that illustration, the whole difference becomes very clear that a web designer focuses on the look of the website or application interface, adding layout and buttons in places that are necessary to produce neat work.

Web developer tasks and responsibilities

As a web developer, you may find yourself working for a company, startup, or freelancer taking on projects for individual clients. Your task and responsibilities will vary depending on your work situation, but day-to-day responsibilities might generally include:

  • Designing user interfaces and navigation menus

  • Writing and reviewing code for sites, typically HTML, XML, PHP, or JavaScript

  • Integrating multimedia content onto a site

  • Testing web applications

  • Troubleshooting problems with performance or user experience

  • Collaborating with designers, developers, and stakeholders

How much do web developers make?

The average annual salary for web developers in the US is $67,802, according to Indeed Statistics. However, web developers in the US can earn up to $109,883 according to Glassdoor salary insights. How much you earn will depend on some factors, including where you work, what industry you work in, and how much experience you have.

Current projections show faster than average growth of these jobs through 2030, according to the BLS. One of the driving forces behind this increase in web development jobs is the growth of e-commerce. Companies are becoming more reliant on functioning websites that operate on multiple devices to do business.

How to become a web developer

Formal education isn’t always very essential to becoming an entry-level web developer. Some web developers have an associate's or bachelor’s degree in website design or computer science, but others are self-taught. While earning a degree can make you a more competitive candidate, a strong portfolio can go a long way toward validating your skills to potential employers.

If you’re interested in becoming a web developer, here are some important steps you can take.

1. Build developer's skills.

Your Employers and clients usually expect web developers to have certain skills that demonstrate their ability to deliver on website requirements and features. If you’re interested in a career as a web developer, these are some skills you can focus on to build a foundation for success.

Technical skills

  • Coding: Common programming languages include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end design. Consider learning Python, PHP, Java, or Ruby if you want to do back-end development.

  • Responsive design: People use a variety of devices to view websites. Developers should be able to create sites that look as good on smartphones and tablets as they do on computer screens.

  • Technical SEO: Many factors of website design can affect the site’s search engine ranking. Understanding how search engines rank sites are useful in a developer’s work.

  • Version control: This lets you track and control changes to the source code without starting over from the beginning each time you run into a problem.

  • Visual design: Understanding basic design principles, such as how to use white space, choose fonts, and incorporate images could boost your marketability.

Workplace skills

  • Communication: Web developers spend time discussing design ideas with their clients and team members through each step of the project.

  • Customer service: A web developer creates websites for the client to use and should remain client-focused to achieve the best results.

  • Detail-oriented: Little details, like a small change in code, can make a big difference in how a website performs.

  • Organization: Keeping track of deadlines, project tasks, workflow, and budgets is helpful if you want to complete a website design on time.

  • Problem-solving: Web developers often run into issues when designing websites. They should have the patience and ability to identify problems in the design or coding and solve them in a methodical way.

2. Consider a degree in computer science or web design.

While you don’t always need a degree to get a job in web development, it can certainly help. If you’re already in school (or considering earning a degree), some majors might be a better fit for your career goals than others. If you’re more interested in back-end web development, consider a degree program in computer science. If you feel more drawn to front-end development, you might opt for a degree in web design.

3. Take a course in web development.

You don’t necessarily need formal training to work as a web developer. It’s possible to acquire the skills you need on your own or be a self-taught guy. For example, you can take a course to learn programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, or CSS, and then put what you learn into practice on your own website.

By completing an online course in web development, like Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding from the University of Michigan, you can build skills while completing development projects for your portfolio.

Get a feel for what the course is like by watching this video on interactivity with JavaScript:

4. Built a portfolio of web development work.

As a web developer, your portfolio is often one of the most important parts of your resume. This collection of projects shows potential employers what you’re capable of creating. Include the types of projects that represent the work you’d like to do. If you’re including code, be sure to annotate it to show your thought process.

5. Get certified.

Earning a certification can validate your skill set to potential employers. You’ll find a range of general and vendor-specific options, including Adobe Certified Expert (ACE), Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSD), Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified Developer or Zend Certified PHP Engineer.

Final Thoughts

That was it. To conclude, No one should make you think that you are on the wrong journey if you want to learn web development because everything is going fully web. Take your time to think about a project you would like to work on while you will learn web development.

Good luck in your web development journey!!!


CEO / Co-Founder

Take advantage of every opportunity in life. For one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things you have been working for.

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